$247.00 CAD

Business With Soul Live Event, Red Deer, Alberta

Welcome to a new era of business for soulful, driven entrepreneurs and leaders where Strategic Insight and Spiritual Alignment meet.

Join us Friday, September 13th. Registration starts at 8:15 am. Event 9 - 5 pm in Red Deer, AB.

Finally there’s a business community committed to Spirituality, Strategy and Inspired Action. A unique opportunity to change the trajectory of your life and business surrounded by conscious leaders.

  • Embody an aligned and soulful way of business that's different than what you've experienced before
  • Learn sustainable business practices so you have more time, money and freedom to do what you love
  • Create a solid foundation to feel clear and confident to take consistent action
  • Connect with a like-hearted community of conscious soulpreneurs

And you’ll actually have the time and support to map out your action steps so you implement what you learn with ease.

This is a small exclusive event so we can provide high value, in-depth support and help you create a customized implementation plan to ensure you have everything you need to create real success.

Your investment also includes:  

  • Snacks and Lunch. We know how important it is to eat while you are learning.
  • Networking opportunities. Building our business is all about connections and so we have built in time for you to connect with others. 
  • Follow up Zoom support meetings 14 and 30 days after the event. We know what it's like to have the best intentions and then life gets in the way. We are here to support you in your entrepreneurial journey.

We look forward to seeing you at our event. 

~ Michelle, Ranchelle, and Meagan